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Your Tree of Life Spread

Tree of Life Spread

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Your Highest Ideals

The Devil
This card represents the dark forces in the world, misuse of power, depression and addiction to the material world.

Your Creative Power

The Sun
This card represents material success and the achievement of goals, fulfillment in the simple life.

Your Wisdom

The World
This card represents the success in all its forms, liberation from want and a celestial consciousness.

Your Virtues

The Seven of Wands Reversed
Employ caution and courage in your ventures. Knowledge is your ally, arrogance your enemy.

The Force of Your being

The Knight of Wands Reversed
Jealousy, conflict and chaos. Work left undone.

Your Health, Beauty and Altruism

Seven of Cups Reversed
The re-emergence of will and determination. Strengths working in unison. Choices made wisely.

Your Loves, Lusts, Artistic Self and Instincts

Four of Swords Reversed
Activity begins again. Success will be realized. Move with caution and wisdom as your guides.

You as a Procreator, Designer and Scientist

Queen of Swords Reversed
Gossipy, dogmatic and unreliable. Dishonesty may be expected.

Your Imagination and Psychic Self

Four of Pentacles Reversed
Gain is hindered by obstacles.

Your Physical Self

Queen of Pentacles
Feminine qualities take the forefront. In tune with the earth. Nurturing. Wealth and security. Talents put to good use.