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Astrological Profile for Those Born on May 7

Your Star Sign is Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Neptune.

Always trust your intuition as Neptune rules the psychic vibrations in nature. Usually, your hunches will be correct.

Just like the vast ocean you are restless, moody and fond of change and travel. You love the water and places connected with the sea.

You possess unusual and original ideas on religion and philosophy. It means your compassion has risen to sublime heights and you will do anything for a person in need. In this respect, you must learn to balance your own needs lest you become a victim of the people you are trying to help.

Others don't often understand your motivations or actions. This may have something to do with your absent-minded approach. You need to be clearer in your ideas and communications.

People who were born on May 7 are more empathic and can help other people achieve their goals. This day is also a time when people tend to be more interested in amorous relationships. As such, their chances of achieving success are often greater than those born on other days. This day is often associated with fanciful dreams. However, their creative and imaginative natures can be a great help in achieving their goals.

People born today have a natural earthiness, an artistic side, and a great sense of humor. Their love of beauty is reflected in their nature. They can be moody or impulsive and sensitive. They are often funny and charming, and often possess a great sense of humor. They are also good listeners and tend to be generous.

People born on May 7 display characteristics of their zodiac sign, and their personality traits are reflected in their relationships with other people. Although they can sometimes be aggressive and impatient, their personality traits include a sense of fairness and an intense desire to help others. These traits can help to make their relationships happy and satisfying. The 7th May is a good day for people born. However, they might be too strict or conservative.

The 7th of May born people tend to have difficult relationships with their family. While they may have a natural affinity for parenthood, they may have difficulty focusing on themselves and nurturing their children. Although their nature is sensitive, they should take time to exercise daily to combat their moodiness and to stay trim and healthy. 7th of May is a troubled person with authorities. These people tend to have complex relationships with other people, but this doesn't mean they can't love their children.

Your lucky colors are the darker green shades.

Your lucky gems are turquoise, cats eye chrysoberyl, tigers eye.

Your lucky days of the week are Mondays and Thursdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79.

Famous people born on your birthday include David Hume, Robert Browning, Johannes Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Archibald MacLeish, Gary Cooper, Anne Baxter, Eva Peron, Michael E Knight, Traci Lords and Ivan Sergei.


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