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Your Mandala Spread

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Your Self Overall

Justice Reversed
The upsidedown Justice represents injustice, inequality and a lack of mercy or understanding.

Your Ambitions, Desires and Primal Urges

The Star
This is the card of hope, perception and revelation. Great love is possible and good health will be enjoyed.

Your Ideals, Goals, Path to Spiritual Contentment

The World
This card represents the success in all its forms, liberation from want and a celestial consciousness.

Your Real Accomplishments and True Path

Two of Wands
New ventures will require courage and logic. Influence over others grows. Kindness and altruism pay off.

Your Dependencies, Addictions and Erroneous Values

Three of Wands Reversed
Be wary of offers of assistance. Underhandedness and failure are possible.

Your Strengths and Positive Personality Traits

Seven of Cups
Deception, an overactive imagination, and the illusion of success. Strengths are not consolidated to work as one.

Your Faults and Weaknesses

Knight of Cups Reversed
Scrutinize all ventures and deals carefully. Lies, laziness and underhandedness are possible.

Your Self Awareness and Self-Image

Seven of Swords
Plans may fail. Distrust and dishonesty are possible. Success will not be complete.

Your Desires, and Higher Purpose

Five of Pentacles Reversed
The reaquisition of worldly possessions after trying times and much labor. Benevolence. The awakening of the spiritual self.