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Your Birthday Spread

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Your Present Position in the World

Justice Reversed
The upsidedown Justice represents injustice, inequality and a lack of mercy or understanding.

Your Goals for the Next Year

The Hanged Man Reversed
The card of false prophecy and time wasted. The reversed Hanged Man represents a preoccupation with the worldly and wasted energy.

That Which Empowers You

The Devil Reversed
The reversed Devil signifies a spiritual rebirth, freedom from the preoccupation with the secular and the overcoming of pride and selfishness.

Powers You Need to Develop

Four of Wands
Work will be well done. Peace and harmony will be realized.

Your Present Material Self

Ace of Cups
Love, joy, and contentment productiveness and fertility can be had.

Your Present Emotional State

Page of Cups
New business opportunities arise. An overactive imagination.

Your Present Spiritual Self

King of Cups
Fairness on all levels. Generosity and morality abound. A high degree of skill is displayed in all things attempted.

That Which Opposes You

Two of Swords
Relationships are rife with tension. Indeciveness may be a problem. The rhythm of life is well sensed, but without direction.

What You Need to Do to Realize Your Goals

Nine of Pentacles
Material wealth enjoyed alone. Knowledge of the workings of those things in your best interest. Love of home and garden.