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Cross and Triangle Spread

Cross and Triangle Spread

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The Axe Head
The SwastikaThe Grotesque FigureCapricornus the Goat
The Amulet Box
Virgo the Virgin
The Tau CrossMagic NailsThe Ankh

The Grotesque Figure

You the Significator and Your Life Force

The Grotesque Figure

The good spirits are pleased with you. This aspect is a happy one. For the immediate future these spirits will protect this aspect and reward you with moments of bliss.

The Axe Head

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

The Axe Head

As an axe comes to a complete stop when it hits the tree so you have grown motionless. You now must draw back, step away from this quadrant of your life and begin again. Set a new path into motion.

Capricornus the Goat

That Which Influences Your Emotions

Capricornus the Goat

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly, grudging, over conventional and rigid--maybe someone in the insurance industry.

The Amulet Box

That Which Influences Your Spirit

The Amulet Box

There are papers in your near future. This aspect is affect by legal papers of some kind--a contract, a deed or a liscense of some kind. These papers will bring improvement to your life.

The Swastika

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

The Swastika

Over the next weeks and months this aspect should be one that requires little effort on your part to keep things moving forward. This is one of the few charms that has the same meaning upright or inverted.

The Tau Cross

Forces that Oppose You

The Tau Cross

A journey that your or someone close to you must make will influence this aspect. The reason for the trip nor the outcome will have much bearing on your future, but the trip itself will be journey not soon forgotten. This journey may have a short-term, negative impact.

The Ankh

Other Forces that Oppose You

The Ankh

The aspect is well out of balance. Those involved here with you may already be seeking assistance through a mediator or legal venue.

Magic Nails

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront

Magic Nails

The spirit of someone you knew dearly is trying to guide you in this aspect. In a dark room light a single candle and focus upon its light. Listen carefully with your heart and you will know what to do.

Virgo the Virgin

The Outcome

Virgo the Virgin

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, a perfectionist and conservative. This is someone you are associated with who is a leader although probably not over you.